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Learning is not just about reading. Experience it.

Beast of Burden v1

 ( Not Rated ) , By BeED Author   -  Biology Lower Secondary (IGCSE)

  1.5 hour(s)
   23   0   1
  Tuesday, January 29, 2019
   Not Required
  13.96 MB

Course Info

About this Place Of Interest

The Thai Conservation Buffalo Village is located in Suphan Buri, about 170km from the capital city, Bangkok. It is part of an effort to conserve the water buffaloes, which have been decreasing in number over the years, due to farmers running out of buffalo farming areas. The water buffalo has always been the backbone and cultural symbol of Thailand as they are capable of carrying out many heavy tasks. The water buffalo has a rather long body with a bulging stomach, a small head with long horns as well as wide-splayed hoofed feet. Apart from helping the farmers, they are trained to perform for the public and to give rides for visitors in buffalo-drawn carts.

About this Learning Experience

In this Learning Experience, you will learn how agriculture has affected the environment, both positively and negatively. This Learning Experience is suitable for secondary school, year 4-5.

Syllabus Content

  • Organisms and their environment
  • -Energy flow
  • -Nutrient cycle
  • Human influences on ecosystems
  • -Habitat destruction
  • -Conservation

Resources Needed


Wang Nam Sap, Si Prachan District, Thailand

Wang Nam Sap, จ.สุพรรณบุรี, 72140


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