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Largest Statue of Goddess of Mercy in SEA

 ( Not Rated ) , By BeED Author   -  Geography Lower Secondary (IGCSE)

  1 hour(s)
   21   0   1
  Thursday, August 3, 2017
   Not Required
  19.35 MB

Course Info

About this Place Of Interest

The Avalokitesvara Buddhist Monastery is located in Pematang Siantar, Medan. Within the compound of this monastery lies the tallest statue of Goddess of Mercy in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Sculptors took three years to complete the 22.8 metres tall statue. Located within the vicinity are statues depicting the 12 annual symbols of the Chinese horoscope.

About this Learning Experience

In this Learning Experience, you will learn how mined materials are used to create of religous statues and objects. This Learning Experience is suitable for learners Year 1 to Year 3. Note: The reflection phase will take place under Point B.

Syllabus Content

  • Physical geography in relation to: rocks.
  • Human geography in relation to: the use of natural resources.

Resources Needed


Avalokitesvara Buddhist Monastery, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Jalan Pusuk Buhit, Sumatera Utara, 21131


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