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Bridging the Straight and the Bent

 ( Not Rated ) , By BeED Author   -  Mathematics Lower Secondary (Core Content)

  1.5 hour(s)
   25   0   1
  Friday, November 17, 2017
   Not Required
  10.65 MB

Course Info

About this Place Of Interest

Travel back in time as you visit this iconic symbol of Hoi An. Built in the late 1500’s, the Japanese Covered Bridge was constructed by Japanese traders in Vietnam to link them to the Chinese community across the stream. Even after over 400 years of history, the bridge retains its original Japanese design, including a small temple built into the north side of the bridge.

About this Learning Experience

Learn how parallel and perpendicular lines can help you analyze the structural integrity of this over 400-year-old bridge. Stylize yourself as an engineer as you brainstorm ways to preserve this charming cultural heritage against the forces of man and nature. This Learning Experience is suitable for students Secondary 2 and above. The Final Activity and Bonus Question can be completed at home.

Syllabus Content

  • Basic Geometry
  • - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
  • - Simple Geometrical Construction

Resources Needed


Japanese Bridge, Hội An, Vietnam

Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Thành phố Hội An, Quảng Nam


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