Taman Alam Lumbini is located within the complex of the International Buddhist Centre in Berastagi, Medan. The temple is modelled after the world’s oldest pagoda, the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar. It is aptly known as Replika Pagoda Shwedagon. Taman Alam Lumbini is 46.8 metres high, 68 meters long and 68 meters wide. Within the compound of this temple is a large pagoda and eight small pagodas. There is also one Ashoka pillar and several statues of Sakyamuni Buddha, all of which were carved from green jade from Myanmar. Some 1,3000 monks witness the temple inauguration which was held in October 2010.
In this Learning Experience, you will learn the historical and cultural value of jade from a Chinese and Maori perspective. You will also learn how globalisation has intensified the movement of other mined materials and the socioeconomic implications that have arisen from the mass movement of such goods across the globe. This Learning Experience is suitable for learners Year 3 and above. Note: The reflection phase will take place under Point B.